Monthly Archives: June 2021

‘There’s a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in.’

You must be sitting on cracked fragments of Saturn’s exploded moons if you haven’t heard of the Mica story yet.   Leonard Cohen – inspired by Rumi- wrote the above.  He could have been prophesising about Donegal and Mayo homes owners. Yes, we may have literal cracks, but it’s the light that got in that is […]

A clock in that time meant nine: The gift of a story

My brother got married in the late 80’s.  This was a time when every aunty arrived with hoovers, deep-fat-friers and the quint essential carriage clocks, of which they received 9 (we’ve countless aunties)!  Needless to say some of these twirling, ball-bearing domes had been passed on from cousins who got married the month before and […]